3 May 2016

goldfish crazy for bloodworm treat and hand bops

bobbi (orange fancy) hendrix (Mohawk fancy) neeko (white panda) going silly for their treat of bloodworms and displaying affectionate hand bops at the end xx From Chapter 'Aquaria' (Link)

2 May 2016

goldfish love 'prince' partyman

sorry about the audio, they were watching a video clip of princes' partyman, but youtube blocked it because of the background track so had to replace with rain. bobbi (orange fancy) hendrix (Mohawk fancy) neeko (white panda) enjoy watching prince videoclip on the monitor, and yes little neeko is 'jiving! (he swims with his nose up vertical when excited) xxxx From Chapter 'Aquaria' (Link)

16 Feb 2016

décore - mandala 'Feb 2016'

Dreamy color twirls of Febs Mandal up on the door just for pretty mind fun
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